Aphrodite Art Coins

Auction 5  –  26 - 28 August 2022

Aphrodite Art Coins, Auction 5

Ancient and World Coins, Numismatic Literature

Part 1: Fr, 26.08.2022, from 4:00 PM CEST
Part 2: Sa, 27.08.2022, from 4:00 PM CEST
Part 3: Su, 28.08.2022, from 4:00 PM CEST
The auction is closed.


AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. CXXXIX. London The Royal Numismatic Society 1979. Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, pp. 282 – xxxii tavv. 34 in b/n. Ottimo stato. Indice: Dundua, G.F. / Lordkipanidze, G.A.: Hellenistic coins from the site of Vani, in Colchis (Western Georgia) ·» 1-5, pl.1 Sullivan, Richard D.: King Marcus Antonius Polemo ·» 6-20, pl.2 Sutherland, C.H.V.: The Clementiae and Moderationi dupondii of Tiberius: more thoughts on the chronology ·» 21-25, pl.3 Metcalf, William E.: A Roman hoard from Cyprus ·» 26-35, pl.4-5 Hill, Philip: The coin-portraiture of Severus and his family from the mint of Rome ·» 36-46, pl.6-7 Yonge, David: The so-called interregnum coinage ·» 47-60, pl.8-1 Bland, R.F.: The 1973 Beachy Head treasure trove of third-century antoniniani ·» 61- 107, pl.12-14 Blunt, C.E.: The Hougham hoard of sceattas, c. 1780 ·» 108-110, pl.15 Blunt, C.E. / Lyon, C.S.S.: The Oakham hoard of 1749, deposited c. 980 ·» 111-121, pl.16A Sabine, C.J.: Numismatic iconography of the Tower of David and the Holy Sepulchre. An emergency coinage stuck during the siege of Jerusalem, 1187 ·» 122-132, pl.17 Metcalf, D.M. / Willis, P.J.: Crusader coins in the Museum of the Order of St. John, at Clerkenwell ·» 133-138, pl.18-23 Capra, P.: Les espèces, les ateliers, les frappes et les émissions monétaires en Guyenne anglo-gasconne aux XIVe et XVe siècles ·» 139-154 Murray, J.K.R.: The Scottish gold coinage of 1555-8 ·» 155-164, pl.24-25 Spasski, I.G.: Gold coins and coin-like gold in the Muscovite state, and the first gold pieces of Ivan III ·» 165-184, pl.26 Cribb, Joe: An historical survey of the precious metal currencies in China ·» 185-209, pl.27-29 NOTES: King, C.E. / Spaer, A.: A hoard of folles from northern Sinai: addendum ·» 210 Fairhead, Niall: A new silver coin of Justinian II of Carthage ·» 210-1, pl.30A Bendall, Simon: Some further notes on the mint of Trebizond under Alexius I ·» 211, pl.30B ordanov, Ivan: Billon trachea from the first half of the thirteenth century with the name and image of St. John the Baptist ·» 212, pl.30C Sugden, K.F. / Warhurst, M.: An unrecorded parcel from the Hexham hoard of 1832 ·» 212-217, pl.31-32 Blackburn, Mark: Wærin: a Northampton moneyer for Eadgar ·» 217-219, pl.16B Stewart, Ian: A Caistor coin of Æthelred's Hand type ·» 219-221, pl.16C Talvio, Tuukka: Notes on three Sigtuna moneyers ·» 221-225, pl.33A  Dolley, M.: The Hiberno-Norse coins in the University coin-cabinet at Uppsala ·» 225- 229, pl.33B REVIEW ARTICLES Price, M. Jessop: The coinage of Philip II ·» 230-241, pl.3 Mørkholm, Otto: The Cappadocians again ·» 242-246 Carson, R.A.G., The President's address - Roman numismatists, 1860-1960 ·» i-xi

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Price realized 22 EUR 3 bids
Starting price 10 EUR
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