Aphrodite Art Coins

Auction 5  –  26 - 28 August 2022

Aphrodite Art Coins, Auction 5

Ancient and World Coins, Numismatic Literature

Part 1: Fr, 26.08.2022, from 2:00 PM UTC
Part 2: Sa, 27.08.2022, from 2:00 PM UTC
Part 3: Su, 28.08.2022, from 2:00 PM UTC
The auction is closed.


AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. 141. London The Royal Numismatic Society 1981. Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, pp. 207- xxx. tavv. 38 in b/n. Ottimo. Indice: Kraay, C.M. / Moorey, P.R.S.: A Black Sea hoard of the late fifth century BC ·» 1-19, pl.1-9 Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew: Galba's Aequitas ·» 20-39, pl.10-12 King, Cathy E.: A hoard of clipped siliquae in the Preston Museum ·» 40-64, pl.13-20 Elias, E.R. Duncan: The gros au lion of Aquitaine ·» 65-70, pl.21 Munro, John H.: Mint policies, ratios, and outputs in the Low Countries and England, 1335-1420: some reflections on new data ·» 71-116 Vickers, Michael: The medal of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, in the Bibliothèque Nationale ·» 117-119, pl.22-23 Rhodes, N.G.: The silver coinages of Garhwal and Ladakh, 1686-1871 ·» 120-135, pl.24-25 Buttrey, T.V.: The 'Tubac Ingot' ·» 136-142, pl.26 NOTES: Now we are eight ·» 143-4 Yarkin, U.: An unpublished coin of Ariarathes III for Cybistra in Cappadocia ·» 144-5, pl.27,A Brown, R.A.: An unusual counterfeit denarius of the reign of Nero ·» 145-6, pl. 27,B Carradice, Ian: A copper dupondius of Domitian, AD 85 ·» 146-7, pl.27,C Howgego, C.J.: Ionian magistrates: Caracalla or Elagabalus? ·» 147-149, pl.27,D Weder, Marcus: Coins of Aurelian. New acquisitions by the British Museum ·» 150-154, pl.28-29 Metcalf, William E.: A nummus of Honoria and a decanummium of Constans II from the excavations at Carthage ·» 154-156, pl.30,A Sabine, C.J.: The Crusader 'Turris Davit' coinage: Addendum ·» 156-158, pl.30,B Sabine, C.J.: The sequence of varieties of the 'bare head' type of Bohemund III of Antioch ·» 158-163, pl.30,C Lilburn, Alistair: A parcel apparently from an early hoard of 'Helmet' deniers of Bohemund III of Antioch ·» 163-166, pl.31 Metcalf, D.M.: Notes on the classification of the trams of Cilician Armenia (with a contribution on the textile traces by Lawrence J. Majewski) ·» 166-172, pl.32-34 Besly, E.M.: Fourteenth-century sterlings from Yves and Rummen ·» 172-175, pl.35 Corrigenda: NC 1980 ·» 17 REVIEW ARTICLES: Crawford, Michael H.: Hubs and dies in classical antiquity ·» 176Hahn, W.R.O.: New light on the Thessalonican moneta auri in the second half of the sixth century ·» 178-182, pl.36 Bridge, R.N.: The coinage of Chersonesus ·» 183-187 BIBLIOGRAPHY: Clayton, Peter A.: Bibliography of articles from non-numismatic journals. V ·» 188-192 Reviews ·» 193-207 Sellwood, D.G., The President's address - The relation between Art and technology in Coinage. 2 ·» i-vii, pl.37-38

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Price realized 12 EUR 3 bids
Starting price 10 EUR
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