Egypt. Alexandria. Gallienus, 253-268. Tetradrachm (Billon, 22.2 mm, 11.39 g). Dated RY 15 (= 267/8). AVT K Π ΛIK ΓAΛΛIHNOC CЄB Laureate and cuirassed bust right. Rev. Omonoia standing facing, head left, raising her right hand, holding a double cornucopia with her left; IЄ L (date) to left, palm frond to right. Geissen 2950. Dattari-Savio 5247. Emmett 3816. Attractive patina, very well struck. Extremely Fine.
Ex Spink, London, July 1978.
Another tetradrachm of exceptional conservation and of minting quality. The imperial portrait on the obverse belongs to those of aulic style, to the so-called “Gallienus Renaissance” well known also through the contemporary statuary which has come down to us. Omonoia on the reverse urges to harmony but we are in the year 15 of the sovereign’s reign that will end with his assassination during the siege of Milan on the occasion of the revolt of the usurper Aureolus.