Auctiones GmbH

eAuction #71  –  21 March 2021

Auctiones GmbH, eAuction #71

Ancient and World Coins

Su, 21.03.2021, from 7:00 PM CET
The auction is closed.


Apollodotos I AR Drachm

Kings of Bactria. Apollodotos I (c. 174-165 BC). AR Drachm (16-17 mm, 2.45 g).
Obv. BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΠOΛΛOΔOTOΥ ΣΩTHΡOΣ, elephant walking right, monogram below.
Rev. Zebu bull right, legend in Karoshti around.
Mitchiner, Indogreek, 207; SNG ANS 317.

Nicely toned and good very fine.

Apollodotos I. is one of the few Bactrian kings to be named by classic authors from the Graeco-Roman west. The Augustean historian Pompeius Trogus, who wrote a history of Alexander and his successors, apparently also described Apollodotos' life, but only a short summary of it (by Junianus Justinus) has survived. The king is also named in the Periplus Marae Erythraei, a 1st Century AD periplus describing the trading routes from Egypt to India.

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Price realized 210 CHF
Starting price 50 CHF
Estimate 60 CHF
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