Justino II (565-578). Constantinopla. Sólido. (Ratto 757) (S. 345). Anv.: (D. N. I)VSTINVS PP. AVI. Su busto galeado y acorazado de frente, sosteniendo globo nicéforo y escudo ornado de jinete. Rev.: (VICTO)RIA AVGGG. . Constantinopla sentada de frente, sosteniendo lanza y globo crucífero, en exergo CONOB. 4,35 g. MBC-.
Justin II (565-578). Constantinople. Solidus. (Ratto 757) (S. 345). Obv.: (D. N. I)VSTINVS PP. AVI. His bust helmeted and cuirassed facing, holding Nike on globe and shield adorned with a horseman. Rev.: (VICTO)RIA AVGGG. . Constantinople seated facing, holding spear and globus cruciger, in exergue CONOB. 4.35 g. MBC-.
Price realized | 300 EUR |
Starting price | 300 EUR |
Estimate | 350 EUR |