Islamic. Anatolia & al-Jazira (Post-Seljuk). Danishmendids (Sivas). NISAM AL-DIN YAGHI BASAN, 1142-1164 AD / 536-559 AH. AE, Dirham.
Obv: In central beaded circle portrait of a ruler in profile facing right; in margin bin Malik Danismend Zahir Amir al-Mu’minin, son of the Danishmend Sovereign, Helper of the Commander of the Faithful.
Rev: In field al-Malik al’-Adil/Niza(m-al)-Din Yaghi Bas(an)/bin (Mal)ik Ghazhi, the Just Sovereign, Overseer of the Religion Yaghi Basan son of the Warrior King.
Album 1245.
Condition: Very fine.
Weight: 8.87 g.
Diameter: 31.7 mm.