PB Byzantine seal of Basil Chrysomalles (AD 13th century, first half)
Obv: St Basil standing, holding the book in his left hand (details obscure).
Rev: Inscription of seven lines beginning with a cross: ὁμωνυμοῦντά σοι Χρυσόμαλλον σκέπ[οις, τῆς Και]σαρείας θ[ύτ]α, τύπε κανόνων.
Translation: Bishop of Caesarea, stamp of the canons, may you protect Chrysomallos whose namesake you are.
Parallel seal, Laurent, Corpus V/1, no. 248; but see the correct reading and commentary in Wassiliou-Seibt, Siegel mit metrischen Legenden II, no. 1661.
The central hole of the seal indicate that it may have been suspended not only from a document but possibly it was used as a pendent as an amuletic device.
Weight: 32.26 g.
Diameter: 37.66 mm.