PB Byzantine anonymous seal (AD 13th century, second half)
Obv.: The Mother of God (Episkepsis) standing, orans, with an oval medallion of Christ before her. Sigla: [Μή(τη)ρ] Θ(εο)ῦ. On either side, traces of a vertical inscription: [Ἐπίσ]κεψις. Indeterminate border.
Rev.: Inscription of seven lines: ἁπλ[οῦσα] χεῖρα[ς εἰς ἐ]πίσκεψ[ιν κόσ]μου σκέ[πην κἀμοῦ, Πάναγνε, πρα]κτέο[ις δίδου]. Indeterminate border.
Translation: As you stretch forth your hands for the care of the world, All-holy One, give your protection to my acts as well.
Similar specimen, Doaks, BZS.1947.2.1922; cf. Wassiliou-Seibt, Siegel mit metrischen Legenden I, no. 123.
Broken in half; the puncture on the seal indicates that at some point the seal was subsequently suspended with a cord either to replace the original suspension cord, or to reuse the seal on another document, or to use it as pendant.
Weight: 5.72 g.
Diameter: 29.53 mm.