Judaea, Herod I the Great. 2 Prutot; Judaea, Herod I the Great; 40-4 BC, Year 3=40 BCE, 2 Prutot, 3.32g. RPC-4903, Sear Gk. Imp.-5525. Obv: Poppy on stalk. Rx: HPΩΔOY BAΣIΛE[ΩΣ] Winged caduceus, flanked by date LΓ (year 3) and monogram TP. Very rare: only three obverse and three reverse dies recorded by the Menorah Coin Project, according to Hendin.. EF. This lot is part of our 227th Buy or Bid Sale. You can buy at the estimate now or bid lower than our estimate. Lots that have not sold at their estimate before May 14th will be sold to the highest accepted offer at 4pm CT on May 14. Check our web site to see if the lot is still available. If you wish to buy any lot through Biddr, simply bid the estimate. We will get back to you if the item is already sold.
Price realized | 300 USD |
Starting price | 195 USD |
Estimate | 300 USD |