Various. OFFPRINTS OF HOARD STUDIES. Includes the following: Biró-Sey, K., and V. Lányi, “Fundmünzenbericht 1980” (Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 1983); Caramessini-Oeconomides, Mando, “A propos du trésor de Zougra” (Revue belge de numismatique, 1968); Caramessini-Oeconomides, Mando, “Θησαυρός νομισμάτων εκ Θεσσαλίας 1968” (Ανάτυπον εκ της Αρχαιολογικής Εφημερίδος, 1970); Caramessini-Oeconomides, Mando, “Δύο νομισματικοί «Θησαυροί» από την ανασκαφή στην Ερέτρια, 1981” (Ανάτυπον εκ της Αρχαιολογικής Εφημερίδος, 1983); Price, M. Jessop [editor], “Greek Hoards” (Coin Hoards, 1975); Price, M. Jessop [editor], “Greek and Celtic Hoards” (Coin Hoards, 1976); Price, M. Jessop, and D. Nash [editors], “Greek and Celtic Hoards” (Coin Hoards, 1977); Price, M. Jessop, and D. Nash [editors], “Greek & Celtic Hoards” (Coin Hoards, 1978); Price, M. Jessop, and D. Nash [editors], “Greek and Celtic Hoards” (Coin Hoards, 1979); Price, M. Jessop, and D. Nash [editors], “Greek and Celtic Hoards” (Coin Hoards, 1981); Price, M. Jessop, and D. Nash [editors], “Greek and Celtic Hoards” (Coin Hoards, 1985); de Vries, C., “Muntvondsten” (Jaarboek voor Munt- en Penningkunde, 1960); Hersh, Charles A., and Hyla A. Troxell, “A 1993 Hoard of Alexander Drachms from the Near East” (American Journal of Numismatics, 1993–1994 [1995]); Levante, Edoardo, “Le «trésor de Nagidos»” (Trésors et Circulation Monétaire en Anatolie Antique, 1994); Popović, Petar, “Остава из „Јужне Србије“ — Јабуковца” (Нумизматичар, 1982); Popović, Petar, “Остава Сребрног Новца из Крчедина” (Нумизматичар, 1983); Ruseva, Boriana, “The Gold Staters from Krivodol, Vraca District” (Macedonian Numismatic Journal, 1996); Schwabacher, Willy, “The Coins of the Vouni Treasure Reconsidered” Numismatic Report [Cyprus], 1981); and Ujes, Dubravka, “Део Оставе Тетрадрахми Дамастиона и Дапарије и Статера Коринтског Типа из Рисна (IGCH 391) у Народном Музеју у Београду” (Нумизматичар, 1997). Varying formats. Generally near fine, with a few exceptions. A useful group of published reports, including several that are difficult to find.
Price realized | 100 USD |
Starting price | 100 USD |
Estimate | 150 USD |