AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. 167. London The Royal Numismatic Society 2007. Red cloth, 417– xxi p., 52 pl. in b/w. Contents: Hourmouziadis, J. / Weisser, B.: A metrological study of Bosporan silver coins, 437-375 BC ·» 1-8; Hind, J.G.F.: City Heads/Personifications and Omens from Zeus (the coins of Sinope, Istria and Olbia in the V-IV centuries BC) ·» 9-22, pl.1-2; Hind, J.G.F.: Homer's 'Stout Helmet' on the coins of Mesambria on the Black Sea ·» 23-24; Stancomb, W.M.: Some countermarked and overstuck Hellenistic coins from the region of the Thracian Bosporus ·» 25-32, pl.3-4;
Gramaticu, Steluta / Ionita, Virgil: Monnaies de bronze inédites de Callatis du Ier siècle av. J.-C. et du Ier siècle ap. J.-C. ·» 33-45, pl.5-6; Ashton, R.H.J.: The pre-Imperial coinage of Iasos ·» 47-78, pl.7-15; Höghammar, Kerstin: A group of Koan issues from c. 200 BC ·» 79-92, pl.16-17; Mcintyre, Andrew P.: The Eras of the Alexanders of Aspendos and Perge ·» 93-98, pl.18-20; Elayi, Josette: Gerashtart, king of the Phoenician city of Arwad in the 4th cent. BC ·» 99-104, pl.21; Lorber, Catharine C.: The Ptolomaic Era coinage revisited ·» 105-117; Stevenson, Tom: Roman coins and refusals of the title Pater Patriae ·» 119-141, pl.22; Seelentag, Gunnar: Titus and the supposed title Designatus Imperator ·» 143-146; Woytek, Bernhard E. / Uhlir, Katharina / Alram, Michael / Schreiner, Manfred / Griesser, Martina: The denarius under Trajan: new metallurgical analyses ·» 147-163, pl.23-28; Dearing, Peter: A double radiate of Florian ·» 165-169; Falk, Harry: The names of the Pāratarājas issuing coins with Kharosthī legends ·» 171-178; Stewartby, Lord / Metcalf, D.M.: The bust of Christ on an early Anglo-Saxon coin ·» 179-182; Benders, Jos / Benders, Jeroen F.: Quid sunt 'marce sterlingorum' fabricate apud Vollenho? A numismatic puzzle in the diocese of Utrecht at the beginning of the thirteenth century ·» 183-187; Paszkiewicz, Borys: The Szlichtyngowa hoard (2006) ·» 189-210, pl.29-32; Baker, Julian: Two thirteenth-century hoards and some site finds from Argos ·» 211-233, pl.33-35; Shea, Karl: Another die identified for the die-link between Raymond Roupen and Bohemond IV of Antioch ·» 235-236; Thierry, François: Identification of the Nguyên Thông coins of the Cành Hung Period (1740-1786) ·» 237-241, pl.36; COIN HOARDS 2007: Ancient hoards ·» 243-263; Ashton, Richard: Greece: IGCH252 'Cnossus, Crete, before 1955' ·» 258; Christiansen, Erik: Egypt: EEF hoard of Alexandrian tetradrachms (CH VII,A27) ·» 259-260; Bowen, Gillian E.: Ismant el-Kharab, ancient Kellis, in the Dakhleh Oasis ·» 260-263; Medieval and modern hoards ·» 264-285; Schulze, Wolfgang: A hoard of seventh century Byzantine folles found near Aleppo ·» 272-276; Fedorov, Michael / Kuznetsov, Andrew: Uzbekistan: A hoard of early mediaeval Chach coins from Kanka ·» 277-285, pl.38-39; EXCAVATION COINS: Moorhead, T. Sam N.: The ancient and early medieval coins from the Triconch Palace at Butrint, c. 2nd century BC - c.600 AD ·» 287-304; Köker, Hüseyin: The Roman Provincial, Roman Imperial, Byzantine, medieval and Islamic coins from the 1952-3 Excavation at Cyzicus ·» 305-314; Reviews ·» 315-360; Cribb, Joe, The President's address - Money as Metaphor (Part 3) ·» 361-395, pl.42-52;