AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. 175 London The Royal Numismatic Society 2015. Red cloth, viii, 396, xix p., 64 pl. in b/w. Very good.Contents: Gil Davis: Athenian Electrum Coinage Reconsidered: Types, Standard, Value, and Dating ·» 1-9; Paolo Visonà / Scott K. Kenkel: The 1925 Tiriolo Hoard (IGCH 2022) ·» 11-46; Bekircan Tahberer: A Series of Coins from an Uncertain Caesarea ·» 47-55; Dario Calomino: Emperor or God? The Posthumous Commemoration of Augustus in Rome and the Provinces ·» 57-83 & pl.4-8; Laurent Bricault: The "Gens Isiaca" in Graeco-Roman Coinage ·» 83-102; Marta Barbato: The Coins of Clovius and Oppius (RRC 476/1 and 550/1-3): New Evidence from Find-spots ·» 103-116; Bernhard E. Woytek / Kevin Butcher: The Camel Drachms of Trajan in Context: Old Problems and a New Overstrike ·» 117-136, pl.14-15; John R. Melville-Jones: The Location of the Trajanic Mint at Rome ·» 137-145; Clive Stannard: Shipping Tesserae from Ostia and Minturnae? ·» 147-154, pl.16-19; Alberto Ghiraldo: A New Antoninianus in the Name of Saloninus as Augustus ·» 155-159; Graham Barker: The Coinage of Carausius: Developing the Golden Age Ideology through the Saecular Games ·» 161-170; Matthew Ball: Scratches on the 'Fleetwood' Hoard of Siliquae (RBCH 1553) at the Harris Museum, Preston ·» 171-194; Rory Naismith / Jeremy P. Northover / Francesca Tinti: The Fineness of Papal Antiquiores·» 195-203; Martin Allen: Estimates of the Size of the "Paxs" Type of William I/II (1087-c.1090?) ·» 205-210; Alexander Akopyan / Aram Vardanyan: A Contribution to Kiurikid Numismatics: Two Unique Coins of Gagik, King of Kakhet'i and David II of Loři (Eleventh Century) ·» 211-215; Jos Benders: A Gros Tournois Struck for Walram of Valkenburg as Lord of Born. ·» 217-220; Lord Stewartby: The Saltire-Stopped Heavy Groat of James III ·» 221-225; Nicloás C. Ciarlo / Horacio M. de Rosa / Hernán N. Lorusso / Cristina Vázquez: Veritas Temporis Filia: Non-Destructive Analysis of Counterfeit and Regal Copper Coins from the Sloop-of-War HMS Swift (1770) by Means of SEM-EDAX and WDXRF ·» 227-242; Juha Àgren: Objects Related to Finnish Coins ·» 243-247; Sven Aagaard / Michael Märcher: The Microscope Drawing Tube Method (MDTM), an Easy and Efficient Way to Make Large Scale Die Studies. ·» 249-262, pl.28-31; Hoards: M.H. Crawford: The Nola before 1854 hoard » 263; Jack Nurpetlian: A Hoard of 42 Tetradrachms ·» 264-266; Simon Coupland / Jens Cchristian Moesgaard: Carolingian Hoards: Montmain (Seine-Maritime FR), 2015 ·» 267-272; Simon Coupland: A Hoard of Charles the Bald (840-77) and Pipin II (845-8): Poitou-Charentes (FR), n.d. ·» 273-284; Arnaud Clairand / Jens Christian Moesgaard: 15th Century: Le Molay-Littry, dép. Calvados, vers 1944 ·» 285; Jens Christian Moesgaard 17th Century: Aclou, dép. Eure, 1960 ·» 285-290; S. Mansfield / Jens Christian Moesgaard: The Sbeitla Hoard and the Fracrional Coinage of north Africa under Justinian I (AD 527-65): Tunisia, before 1980 ·» 291-298; Achim Lichtenberger / Rubina Raja: A hoard of Byzantine and Arab-Byzantine coins from the excavations at Jerash. 6. Jerash 2014 ·» 299-308; Orient: a Hoard of Sasanian Drachms buried c. AD 602; Hodge Mehdi Malek: Ilam province, western Iran, before 2015 ·» 309-329; The Hephthalite Drachms Minted in Balkh A Hoard, a Sequence and a New Reading: Stefan Heidemann: Unknown (probably historical Greater Iran), in European trade before 1992 ·» 330-344; Excavation Coins and Stray Finds, Ancient: S. Bitrak / Nick Sekunda: Coins from Excavations at Negotino Gradište, 2009-2011 ·» 345-356; Hale Güney: Unpublished Coins of the Bithynian Kingdom ·» 357-363; REVIEWS (Reviewer in brackets) H-C. Noeske / H. Ismail / M. Shahin / S.A. El-Raouf / F. Barakat / F. El-Maghrabi / F. Saad / O.A. El-Hamid Dorgham: A Catalogue of the Roman Provincial Coins from the Alexandrian Mint in the Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria. 1. The Issues of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty (30 BC - AD 68) (Rev.: Andrew Burnett) ·» 365-366; M. Crusafont / A.M. Balaguer / P. Grierson: Medieval European Coinage 6: The Iberian Peninsula, with a Catalogue of the Coins in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (Rev.: Rebecca Darley) ·» 366-376; M. Campagnolo / K. Weber: Poids Romano-Byzantins et Byzantins en alliage cuivreux (Rev.: Frances Simmons) ·» 376-378; Cecile Morrisson / Georg-D. Schaaf: Byzance et sa Monnaie (iv - xv siecle), Realites Byzantines 15 (Rev.: Simon Bendall) ·» 378-380; Nikolaus Schindel / Michael Alram / Rika Gyselen / Robert Schaaf: Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum. The Schaaf Collection (Rev.: Susan Tyler-Smith) ·» 381-384; Bernd Kluge: Am Beginn des Mittelalters: Die Münzen des karolingischen Reiches 751 bis 814 - Pippin, Karlmann, Karl der Groβe. (Schriftenreihe des Münzkabinetts 15) (Rev.: Simon Coupland) ·» 385-386; George Molyneaux: The Formation of the English Kingdom in the Tenth Century (Rev.: Rory Naismith) ·» 387-389; Roger Svensson: Renovatio Monetae. Bracteates and Coinage Policies in Medieval Europe (Rev.: Marcus Phillips) ·» 389-396; Íñigo Jarabo Herrero / Xavier Sanahuja Anguera / Rafael Montilla Campillo / Javier Verdejo Sitges: Catálogo de las monedas del reino de Castilla y León: el vellón de los Austrias (1566-1718) (Rev.: R.H. Thompson) ·» 396
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Starting price | 15 GBP |