AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. 161. London The Royal Numismatic Society 2001. Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, pp. 412 - xviii , tavv. 58 in b/n. Indice: Lagos, Constantine: Athenea Itonia at Koroneia (Boiotia) and in Cilicia ·» 1-10, pl.1 Huston, Stephen M. / Lorber, Catherine C.: A hoard of Ptolemaic bronze coins in Commerce, October 1992 (CH 8, 413) ·» 11-40, pl.2-14 Kushnir-Stein, Alla: Was late Hellenistic silver coinage minted for propaganda purposes? ·» 41-52 Ashton, R.H.J.: Rhodian bronze coinage and the siege of Mithradates VI ·» 53-66, pl.15-30 Gonnella, Robert: New evidence for dating the reign of Vonones I ·» 67-73, pl.30-31 Duncan-Jones, Richard P.: The denarii of Septimius Severus and the mobility of Roman coin ·» 75-89 Goodwin, Tony: Arab-Byzantine coins - the significance of overstrikes ·» 91-109, pl.32-34 Metcalf, D.M.: Monetary recession in the Middle Byzantine period: the numismatic evidence ·» 111-155 Coupland, Simon: The coinage of Lothar I (840-855) ·» 157-198, pl.35-39 Vardanian, A.R.: Some peculiarities of the coinage in Dvin in the twelft and thirteenth centuries ·» 199-205, pl.40-42 Baker, Julian / Ponting, Matthew: The early period of minting of deniers tournois in the principality of Achaïa (to 1289) and their relation to the issues of the duchy of Athens ·» 207-254, pl.43-44 Bendall, Simon: An early fourteenth century hoard of Thessalonican trachea ·» 255- 277, pl.45-50 NOTES: Hind, John G.F.: Centaurs, Satyrs and Nymphs on the early silver coins of Thasos and the tribes of mount Pangaion ·» 279-282, pl.51 Kakhidze, A. / Iashvili, I. / Vickers, M.: Silver coins of Black Sea coastal cities from the fifth century BC necropolis at Pichvnari ·» 282-287, pl.52 Kerkeslager, Allen: The Apophis snake on a coin of Domitian from Alexandria (BMC Alexandria 348; RPC 2,2756) ·» 287-290, pl.51 Lyne, Malcolm: Two notes on the coinage of Carausius ·» 291-292, pl.51 Stewartby, Lord: Lichfield and Chichester ·» 293-29 Allen, Martin: The archbishop of York's mint in the 1330s ·» 295-301, pl.53 Cook, B.J.: The afterlife of a coinage: the Lancastrian salut in England and elsewhere ·» 302-307 Gaines, Tiffany / McGgrath, Eric / Langrill, Rebekah / Benvenuto, Mark: Chemical compositions of some of the Japanese Kanei-Tsuho coins via energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence ·» 308-317 Lam, Otto Chun-Cheung: Loan certificates of the Canton Merchant Volunteer Defence Corps headquarters, 1924 ·» 317-328, pl.55-58 COIN HOARDS 2001 Ancient hoards ·» 329-34 Medieval and modern hoards ·» 349-359 Blackburn, Mark: A Viking hoard from Thurcaston, Leics.: preliminary report ·» 349-352, pl.54 Reviews ·» 361-384 Mattingly, Harold B., The Presidendent's Adress - Coin Hoards and History ·» 385-8. Ottimo stato.
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