London Ancient Coins

Auction 78  –  1 October 2023

London Ancient Coins, Auction 78

Numismatic Literature

Su, 01.10.2023, from 6:00 PM CEST
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AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. 178 London The Royal Numismatic Society 2018. Red cloth, Vii, 435, xi p., 52pl. in b/w. Very good. Contents: Some Unpublished Fifth-Century "Litrai" from Morgantina (Sicily) and the Date of Morgantina's Earliest Coinage (pp. 1-1 D. ALEX WALTHA The Baal/Figure in the Winged Disc Staters of Tiribazus The Baal/Figure in the Winged Disc Staters of Tiribazus2 OHN SHANNAHAN Memnon and Mentor of Rhodes in the Troad Memnon and Mentor of Rhodes in the Troad ANEURIN ELLIS-EVANS The Sophytes Coins: from the Punjab to Bactria and back again The Sophytes Coins: from the Punjab to Bactria and back again SUSHMA JANSARI Chopped' Neapolitan Bronze Coins at Minturnae, Overstrikes with Roman Types, and the Coin Stock in Southern Latium and Northern Campania about 200 BC Chopped' Neapolitan Bronze Coins at Minturnae, Overstrikes with Roman Types, and the Coin Stock in Southern Latium and Northern Campania about 200 BC CLIVE STANNARD A Numismatic Newsletter from Northern Dalmati A Numismatic Newsletter from Northern Dalmatia PAOLO VISONÀ Mind the Gap! Roman Republican Coin Hoards from Italy and Iberia at the End of the Second Century BC Mind the Gap! Roman Republican Coin Hoards from Italy and Iberia at the End of the Second Century BC KRIS LOCKYEAR Bacchius Iudaeus: A Tamed Hyrcanian Tiger Bacchius Iudaeus: A Tamed Hyrcanian Tiger (pp. 165-172 DAVID WOODS The Pious Son. On the Restored Denarius Issue Signed by Hadrian The Pious Son. On the Restored Denarius Issue Signed by Hadrian (pp. 173-184) BERNHARD E. WOYTEK The Provincial Coinage of Aemilian: a Study in Imperial Communication The Provincial Coinage of Aemilian: a Study in Imperial Communication (pp. 185-212) GEORGE WATSON A New Donative Issue of Gold Multiples of Diocletian and Maximian A New Donative Issue of Gold Multiples of Diocletian and Maximian DAVOR MARGETIĆ A New Mint for Julian II: Rauracum rather than Ravenna A New Mint for Julian II: Rauracum rather than Ravenna DAVID WOODSMrockage Coins Brockage Coins JACK NURPETLIAN Attribution of the Nameless Coins of the Archer Type Attribution of the Nameless Coins of the Archer Type PANKAJ TANDON NOTES English Mint Engravers of the Tudor and Stuart Periods, 1485 to 1688: a Postscript English Mint Engravers of the Tudor and Stuart Periods, 1485 to 1688: a Postscript HUGH PAGAN Metallurgic Analysis of a 'Hybrid' Leeuwengroot from Brabant / Flanders Metallurgic Analysis of a 'Hybrid' Leeuwengroot from Brabant / Flanders JOS BENDERS, ELLEN WIJGÅRD RANDERS and JON ANDERS RISVAAG The First Early-Renaissance Medals with Inverted Reverses (6 o'clock die axes) AGNIESZKA SMOŁUCHA-SŁADKOWSKA Variants of the Polushka of 1783 VADIM V. SEROV COHOARDS 2018 ANCIENT HOARDS A Small Hoard of Alexander Tetradrachms from Batman (Turkey A Small Hoard of Alexander Tetradrachms from Batman (Turkey) DAVID MARTÍNEZ CHICO, ALBERTO CONZÁLEZ GARCÍA and ALBERTO GONZÁLEZ GARCA Second Punic War Denarius Hoard PIERLUIGI DEBERNARDI and PHILLIP DAVIS The Ara Basilica and Smaller "Victoriati" Hoards from Paestum PIERLUIGI DEBERNARDI and FEDERICO CARBONE MEDIEVALAND AND MODERN HOARDS SPAIN: A Visigothic Hoard from the Reign of Tulga (639-42) SPAIN: A Visigothic Hoard from the Reign of Tulga (639-42) (pp. 315-321) RUTH PLIEGO FRANCE: A Tenth-century Hoard of Coins Mostly in the Name of St Ouen of Rouen FRANCE: A Tenth-century Hoard of Coins Mostly in the Name of St Ouen of Rouen (pp. 322-326) ENS CHRISTIAN MOESGAARD FRANCE: The Le Puy (1943) Hoard Revisited FRANCE: The Le Puy (1943) Hoard Revisited (pp. 327-338 HUGH PAGAN ESTONIA: A Silver Hoard of the Late Eleventh Century IVAR LEIMUS A KHUSRŌ II YEAR 1 HOARD: Methodology, the Mint Mark WH, and Khūzistān between Khusrō II and Varhrān VI STEFAN HEIDEMANN EXCAVATION COINS AND STRAY FINDS ANCIENT Coins from Excavations at Negotino Gradište, 2013-2017 S. BITRAK, W. BRILLOWSKI and N.V. SEKUNDA Coins, Artists, and Tyrants. Syracuse in the Time of the Peloponnesian War, Numismatic Studies, No. 33 by W.R. Fischer-Bossert Review by: LAVINIA SOLE Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Italia. Firenze Museo Archeologico Nazionale IV, 2, Monetazione Cartaginese Ministem dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, Polo Museale della Toscana, associazione culturalHermaeaArcheologia e Arte - Cagliari by Marco Piga Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Italia. Firenze Museo Archeologico Nazionale IV, 2, Monetazione Cartaginese Ministem dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, Polo Museale della Toscana, associazione culturale Hermaea Archeologia e Arte - Cagliari by Marco Piga Review by: PAOLO VISONÀ Faros. Grčki, grčko-ilirski i rimski novae III., Split (Književni krug Split, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, Dominikanski samostan Sv. Petra Mučenika Stari Grad) by J. Jeličić Radonić, H. Göricke-Lukić, I. Mirnik Faros. Grčki, grčko-ilirski i rimski novae III., Split (Književni krug Split, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, Dominikanski samostan Sv. Petra Mučenika Stari Grad) by J. Jeličić Radonić, H. Göricke-Lukić, I. Mirnik (pp. 406-411 Review by: PAOLO VISONÀ Coins of the Holy Land. The Abraham and Marian Sofaer Collection at the American Numismatic Society and the Israel Museum (Ancient Coins in North American Collections 8) by Y. Meshorer, G. Bijowsky, W. Fischer-Bossert, D. Hendin, A. Meadows Coins of the Holy Land. The Abraham and Marian Sofaer Collection at the American Numismatic Society and the Israel Museum (Ancient Coins in North American Collections 8) by Y. Meshorer, G. Bijowsky, W. Fischer-Bossert, D. Hendin, A. Meadows (pp. 411-412) Review by: KEVIN BUTCHER alii, A Catalogue of the Roman Provincial Coins from the Alexandrian Mint in the Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria: 2: The Issues from Galba to Trajan (AD 68-117) by Britta Rabe, Hans-Christoph Noesk alii, A Catalogue of the Roman Provincial Coins from the Alexandrian Mint in the Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria: 2: The Issues from Galba to Trajan (AD 68-117) by Britta Rabe, Hans-Christoph Noeske Review by: ANDREW BURNETT oman Coins, Money, and Society in Elizabethan England. Sir Thomas Smith s On the Wages of the Roman Footsoldier... with a transcription by Deborah Thorpe (Numismatic Studies no. 36) by Andrew Burnett, Richard Simpson oman Coins, Money, and Society in Elizabethan England. Sir Thomas Smith s On the Wages of the Roman Footsoldier... with a transcription by Deborah Thorpe (Numismatic Studies no. 36) by Andrew Burnett, Richard Simpson (pp. 416-418) Review by: HUGH PAGAN Proceedings of the Colloquium 'Belgian Numismatics in Perspective' (Brussels, 21 May 2016) by Jan Moens Review by: MARCUS PHILLIPS Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles 69, The Abramson Collection: Coins of Early Anglo-Saxon England and the North Sea Area, xii by Tony Abramson Review by: WYBRAND OP DEN VELDE The Coinage Reforms (600-603) of Khusru II and the Revolt of Vistāhm (Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication no. 54) by S. Tyler-Smith The Coinage Reforms (600-603) of Khusru II and the Revolt of Vistāhm (Royal Review by: NIKOLAUS SCHINDEL Sylloge Nummorum Byzantinorum Armenia Yerevan History Museum of Armenia III. Anonymous Folles Class A by Hasmik Hovhannisyan Sylloge Nummorum Byzantinorum Armenia Yerevan History Museum of Armenia III. Anonymous Folles Class A by Hasmik Hovhannisyan Review by: MARCUS PHILLIPS

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Starting price 20 GBP
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