AA.VV. The Numismatic Chronicle Vol. XX Sixth Series. London The Royal Numismatic Society 1960. Tela ed. con titolo in oro al dorso, pp. 361-xviii, tavv. XVI in b/n, +30-iv. Buono stato. Index: Tod, Marcus N.: Epigraphical notes on Greek coinage ·» 1-24 Mørkholm, Otto: A posthumous issue of Antiochus IV of Syria ·» 25-30, pl.1 Robinson, E.S.G.: Two Greek coin hoards [Smyrna (Bairakli) & Delt hoard] ·» 31-36, pl.2 Scheu, Frederick: Coinage systems of Aetolia ·» 37-52, pl.3 Kraay, Colin M.: Caulonia and south Italian problems ·» 53-82, pl.4. Buttrey, Jr. Theodore V.: The 'Pietas' denarii of Sextus Pompey ·» 83-101, pl.5-6 Macdowall, David W.: Two Roman countermarks of A.D. 68 ·» 103-112, pl.7 Hill, Philip V.: Aspects of Jupiter on coins of the Rome mint, A.D. 65-318 ·» 113-128, pl.8 Kent, J.P.C.: Auream Monetam . . . Cum Signo Crucis' ·» 129-132, pl.9 Whitting, P.D.: A new transitional Byzantine issue of A.D. 582 ·» 133-135 Potter, W.J.W.: The silver coinage of Edward III from 1351. Part 1: Pre-Treaty Period ·» 137-181, pl.10-13 Dolley, R.H.M. / Jones, F. Elmore: Some remarks on BMC type VII Var. B of Edward the Confessor ·» 183-190, pl.14-15. Dolley, R.H.M.: An unpublished Chester penny of Harthacnut found at Caerwent ·» 191-193 Stewart, B.H.I.H.: Two Scottish coins of new denomination ·» 195-199 Metcalf, D.M.: Ljubic's Jugoslavenski Novci as a source-book ·» 201-208 Metcalf, D.M.: The metrology of Justinian's follis ·» 209-219 Macdowall, David W. / Wilson, N.G.: Apollodoti Reges Indorum ·» 221-228 Macdowall, David W.: Eight coins of Arakan from Sylhet ·» 229-234, pl.16 Carson, R.A.G.: Pyrford Roman treasure trove ·» 235 Carson, R.A.G.: The Barway, Cambs. treasure trove of Roman coins ·» 237-239Boon, George C.: Hoards of Roman coins found at Silchester ·» 241-252 Boon, George C.: A Constantinian hoard from Llanbethery, near Barry, Co. Glamorgan ·» 253-265 Boon, George C.: Part of a Constantinian hoard from Woolaston, Glos. (1887-8) ·» 267-270 Kraay, Colin M.: A hoard of denarii from Verulamium, 1958 ·» 271-273 Kraay, Colin M.: A third-century Roman hoard from Great Chessells, Glos. ·» 275-277 Merrifield, R.: A first-century coin hoard from Budge Row (London) ·» 279-283 Macdowall, David W.: Derby treasure trove (1957) ·» 285 Grant, Michael: 'Marcellus' at Cibyra ·» 287 Blunt, Christopher, The President's address: Ecclesiastical coinage in England (Part I) ·» i-xvii
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