AA.VV. American Journal of Numismatic Vol. 22, Second Series. New York 2010, Tela ed. pp. 216, tavv. 59 in b/n. ,Contents: Excavation Coins from the Sanctuary of Dionysus in Kali Vryssi, Prefecture of Drama (pp. 1-16) Katerini Liampi and Katerina Peristeri Babylonian (?) Alexander Hoard, 1996 Babylonian (?) Alexander Hoard, 1996 (pp. 17-23) E. R. Heintges The Sardes Mint under Seleucus I Nicator The Sardes Mint under Seleucus I Nicator (pp. 25-34) Richard P. Miller and Oliver D. Hoover Bronze Coinage of Ptolemaic Egypt in the Second Century BC Bronze Coinage of Ptolemaic Egypt in the Second Century BC (pp. 35-80) Thomas Faucher and Catharine Lorbe Tiberius Claudius Drusus († AD 20), Son of Claudius and Urgulanilla Tiberius Claudius Drusus († AD 20), Son of Claudius and Urgulanilla (pp. 81-92) David L. Vagi Coin Quality, Coin Quantity, and Coin Value in Early China and the Roman World Coin Quality, Coin Quantity, and Coin Value in Early China and the Roman World (pp. 93-118) Walter Scheidel "Old Coppers Driven out of Office" Demonetizing Non-Federal Coppers "Old Coppers Driven out of Office" Demonetizing Non-Federal Coppers (pp. 119-130) Joseph Daragan Acquisitions for 2006, 2007, and 2008 in the American Numismatic Society Collection Acquisitions for 2006, 2007, and 2008 in the American Numismatic Society Collection (pp. 131-216) Robert W. Hoge. Ottimo stato.