
Auction 16  –  4 - 10 February 2022

Marciniak, Auction 16

Ancient, Polish and World Coins, Paper Money, Shares and Literature

Part 1: Fr, 04.02.2022, from 4:30 PM UTC
Part 2: Sa, 05.02.2022, from 1:00 PM UTC
Part 3: Su, 06.02.2022, from 9:00 AM UTC
Part 4: Mo, 07.02.2022, from 4:30 PM UTC
Part 5: Tu, 08.02.2022, from 4:30 PM UTC
Part 6: We, 09.02.2022, from 4:30 PM UTC
Part 7: Th, 10.02.2022, from 4:30 PM UTC
The auction is closed.


Kobieta i kłosy 2 złote 1925 z kropką - fałszerstwo z epoki Moneta ze śladami po uderzeniach (próby kasowania?).
Dobrze wykonane ząbkowanie.  Mosiądz srebrzony lub bielony, średnica 27,2 mm, waga 9,45 g. 


Question about this lot?


Price realized 11 EUR
Starting price 5 EUR
The auction is closed.
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