★ Attractive Tetradrachm ★
ATTICA.Athens. Tetradrachm (AR, 30 mm, 16.83 g), 111/110 BC, Phanokles, Apollonios and Hieron, magistrates.
Head of Athena Parthenos right, wearing triple-crested Attic helmet adorned with Pegasos and long tendril on the bowl, and with the foreparts of four horses above the visor / A-ΘE / ΦΑΝΟ-ΚΛΗΣ / ΑΠΟΛ/ΛΩΝΙΟΣ / IE/PΩΝ Owl standing facing on amphora; Artemis Phosphoros standing facing in the left field, holding a torch with both hands; Θ on amphora; ME in exergue; all within a laurel wreath.
Thompson 706a. Almost extremely fine.