Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine (610-641) AE Follis (Bronze, 6.68g, 25mm) Constantinople. Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine (610-641) AE Follis (Bronze, 6.68g, 25mm) Constantinople.
Obv: No legend, Heraclius, crowned and in military attire, with moustache and long beard, holding long cross, on left and Heraclius Constantine, crowned and wearing chlamys, with short beard, holding cross on globe, on right, both standing facing. K to right, star (?) between their heads
Rev: Large M, ANNO to left, [cross or cross over C or Θ or a monogram above regnal year to right] out the flan, officina letter Γ below; mintmark CON
Ref: Sear 810, MIB 164-165.