Numismatica Ranieri

Online Auction 14  –  16 April 2023

Numismatica Ranieri, Online Auction 14

Italian and World Coins and Medals, Literature

Su, 16.04.2023, from 8:00 PM CEST
The auction is closed.


Carlo Emanuele I, 1580-1630.
Cavallotto data illeggibile.
Mi gr. 2,35
Dr. CAR EM D G DVX SAB P P. Cavallo allego, retrospiciente; in esergo, 16[..].
Rv. PATRIAE LIBERTATE SERVATA. Scudo sabaudo con corona di 5 fioroni; ai lati, nodi d’amore.
Bi. 554; MIR 658.
Non Comune. BB

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Price realized 15 EUR 2 bids
Starting price 10 EUR
The auction is closed.
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