Byzantine Lead seal of Niketas Mousaraphas (AD 11th–12th centuries)
Obv: The Mother of God standing, holding the Child in her left arm. Sigla at left and right: Μή(τη)ρ Θ(εο)ῦ. Border of dots.
Rev: Inscription of six lines: δέσποινα μου φύλαττε Νικήτα(ν) τὸν Μουσαράφ(α).
Translation: Mother of God. My lady, protect Niketas Mousaraphas.
Several persons bearing the family name Mousaraphas are known from the middle to the end of the 11th century. However, Niketas, a member of this family, is known for the first time with this seal. The family traced their descent to Nasr ibn Musharraf (PBW Mousaraph 101), an Arab emir who initially allied himself with the Byzantines in their campaigns into Syria.
Unpublished. For other members of the family, see C. Stavrakos, SBS 2 (1990) 42-44.
Weight: 9.15 g.
Diameter: 22.20 mm.