Stack's Bowers Galleries

April 2021 Hong Kong Auction  –  5 - 8 April 2021

Stack's Bowers Galleries, April 2021 Hong Kong Auction

Live Sessions: World, Chinese and Hong Kong Coins and Paper Money

Part A: Mo, 05.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part B: Tu, 06.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part C: Tu, 06.04.2021, from 5:30 AM CEST
Part D: We, 07.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
Part E: Th, 08.04.2021, from 4:00 AM CEST
The auction is closed.



Scarce Goto Signature Variety

JAPAN. Oban (10 Ryo), ND Kyoho Era (ca. 1725-1837). PCGS MS-64 Gold Shield.

Fr-5; JNDA-09-8 (4A); Bank of Japan-Vol. 3-Unlisted; JV-A5; Hartill-8.11; KM-C-24.1; ANS-0000.999.26505; BMC-1862,0616.2. Weight: 165.60 gms. 153.59 x 95.17 mm. Mintage: 8,515. Security edge. This very attractive high grade example is quite pleasing with a virtually complete signature that displays some trivial ink loss that is primarily confined to the high points. The hammer marks are fairly even, creating the typical textured surfaces, while limited signs of handling indicate that this piece was handled with great care. The upper and lower obverse Kiri crest stamps and control marks on the reverse are crisp, bold and well-defined, while the left, right and reverse stamps are all slightly uneven with varying degrees of flatness. Lovely pale golden tone complemented by light mottled orange patina adds a pleasing appearance and elevates its desirability. This type seldom appears in the marketplace, and even less so in this high state of preservation. As such, an example that is certain to pique the interest of many potential bidders with discerning tastes for fine numismatic relics. It is interesting to note that this particular signature variety runs over the edge at the base of the obverse. After comparing examples of Obans in the Bank of Japan Collection and other institutions, it appears that this is the only Oban type in which this variation is seen.

From the Pinnacle Collection.

Estimate: $ 30000 - 40000

罕見後藤家花押 珍しい墨書


重量:165.60 克。尺寸:153.59 x 95.17 毫米。發行量:8,515。防偽邊。品相出眾的一枚,幾乎完整的花押,僅於最高點有些許的墨跡褪色出現。橫紋相當均勻,典型的紋理表面,經手痕跡輕微,顯示此枚珍品歷經細心保存。正面上下的桐紋及反面的鑄記壓印清晰輪廓分明,而正面左側及右側的 桐紋和背面的印章鑄力則略微不均。璀璨的淺金色調與斑駁的橘色相輔相成,美不勝收。鮮少面市,如此出色的品相更是令鐘情精品的藏家為之傾倒。有趣的是,此花押的筆跡延展至大判的底端。在與日本銀行收藏系列及其他圖版對比後,此枚可能是唯一展現如此風格特色的享保大判。 享保大判金 重量:165.60グラム/発行枚数:8,515枚/サイズ:153.59 x 95.17mm この非常に魅力的な品は、主にハイポイントにおける墨書の些細な損失しかなく、、実質的に完全な花押で、所有者を非常に満足させる品です。ゴザ目は細心の注意を払われ、かなり均一に打たれています。表側上下の桐極印と裏側の座人印ははっきりと打たれていますが、左右と裏側の極印はわずかに不均一で、平坦度は異なります。全体的に淡くオレンジ色の未使用色と素敵な淡い金色が見受けられ、大変美しい状態です。このタイプが市場に出回ることはめったにありません。そのうえこれほど良好な保存状態と来れば、多くの入札者の興味をそそるのことは必至でしょう。 この品の墨書は表側の端をはみ出すように書かれており、非常に独特です。日本銀行コレクション、またはと他の機関の大判金と比較したところ、これが唯一であるように思われます。

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Price realized 48'000 USD
Starting price 18'000 USD
The auction is closed.
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