CHINA. Hunan. Dollar, Year 11 (1922). PCGS MS-63.
L&M-867; K-763; KM-Y-404; WS-0930. "Hunan Provincial Constitution." Struck to commemorate the Promulgation of the Constitution. Very pleasing, this Choice example presents a sharp strike along with some peripheral toning and a tremendous array of shimmering brilliance. A true connoisseur's piece with much eye appeal. In a time of presidents and warlords, the people simply wanted to unite but also to have autonomy in their own provinces. Zhao Hengxi, the governor of Hunan, wanted to protect the province from civil war, so he worked diligently to establish the Provincial Constitution, finally being successful on January 1, 1922. The constitution, which contained 141 articles grouped under 13 chapters, stated the difference between the central and local governments. Some of the weaker warlords supported these new terms, as they acted somewhat like a talisman--offering those weaker protection against those more powerful in that no other provincial army could enter another without permission. Consequently, several southern provinces followed suit and successfully drafted and instituted their own constitutions.
From the Hobart Collection.
Estimate: $30000.00 - $40000.00
湖南省憲頒佈紀念。十分悅目,鑄打銳利,有些許邊緣包漿,光澤耀人,高端藏匣不可缺失的一枚。 軍閥混戰年代,人民希望統一,亦有意在其省份擁有自治權。湖南省省長趙恆錫為免該省陷入内戰,致力制定省憲,終於在1922年1月1日完成。該憲法由13章節組成,條款共計141項,闡明中央政府及地方政府的差異。勢力較弱的軍閥對此憲法極爲擁護,因其有如一張護身符,用以防止其他省份的軍隊未經批准進入本省。湖南立憲引起南方數省效仿,成功起草並制定省憲。
Price realized | 60'000 USD |
Starting price | 18'000 USD |