Stack's Bowers Galleries

January 2020 NYINC Auction  –  20 - 22 January 2020

Stack's Bowers Galleries, January 2020 NYINC Auction

Online Sessions: Ancient & World Coins, World Paper Money

Part D: Mo, 20.01.2020, from 6:00 PM CET
Part E: Tu, 21.01.2020, from 6:00 PM CET
Part F: We, 22.01.2020, from 6:00 PM CET
The auction is closed.


MIXED LOTS. Mixed European Notes. Mixed Banks. Mixed Denominations, Mixed Dates. P-Various. Mixed PCGS & PMG Graded Notes.
15 pieces in lot. Included are Poland P-145d 500 Zlotych in PCGS GN 65Q &146c 1000 Zlotych in PMG GU 65Q; Yugoslavia (x3)P-30 20 Dinara, the trio being in PMG Unc 62 holders with PMG comments "Toned," & P-81b 5 Dinara in PMG GU 66Q & P-90a 100 Dinara in PMG GU 66Q & P-92c 1000 Dinara in PMG GU 65Q; Transnistria P-17 5 Rublei in PMG GU 66Q; Finland P-111a 10 Markkaa in GU 66Q; Germany (x2)P-44b 1000 Mark in PCGS CAN 58 & 58Q, P-56b 5 Mark in PMG CU 64Q and P-106a 10 Millionen Mark in PCGS CN 63; and Austria P-60 1000 Kronen in PMG CAU 58.
Estimate: $350.00- $450.00

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Price realized 300 USD
Starting price 210 USD
Estimate 350 USD
The auction is closed.
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