WÓJCICKI - Polish Auction House

Auction 11  –  4 - 10 March 2023

WÓJCICKI - Polish Auction House, Auction 11

Ancient, Polish and World Coins, Paper Money and Shares

Part 1: Sa, 04.03.2023, from 1:00 PM CET
Part 2: Sa, 04.03.2023, from 4:00 PM CET
Part 3: Su, 05.03.2023, from 10:00 AM CET
Part 4: Su, 05.03.2023, from 7:00 PM CET
Part 5: Mo, 06.03.2023, from 5:00 PM CET
Part 6: Tu, 07.03.2023, from 1:00 PM CET
Part 7: We, 08.03.2023, from 5:00 PM CET
Part 8: Th, 09.03.2023, from 1:00 PM CET
Part 9: Fr, 10.03.2023, from 5:00 PM CET
The auction is closed.


Silesia, Duchy of Liegnitz-Brieg-Wohlau, Ludwig IV, 3 Kreuzer Brieg 1661 EW Variety with the inscription LVDOVIC DVX on the obverse, on the sides of the Eagle, the initials EW by Elias Weiss, Wardain of the Brieg mint in the years 1657-1673.
Attractive coin with plenty of mint luster. Odmiana z napisem LVDOVIC DVX na awersie, po bokach Orła inicjały EW Eliasa Weissa, wardajna mennicy brzeskiej w latach 1657-1673. Atrakcyjna sztuka. Detale są dobrze zachowane, tło z menniczym połyskiem. Wady blachy, typowe dla tej emisji.
Reference: Ejzenhart-Miller 181 (podobne), F.u.S. 1879
Grade: XF

Silesia Schlesien

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Price realized 43 EUR
Starting price 33 EUR
The auction is closed.
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