WÓJCICKI - Polish Auction House

Auction 13  –  9 - 17 March 2024

WÓJCICKI - Polish Auction House, Auction 13

Ancient, Polish and World Coins, Paper Money and Shares

Part 1: Sa, 09.03.2024, from 1:00 PM CET
Part 2: Sa, 09.03.2024, from 4:00 PM CET
Part 3: Su, 10.03.2024, from 10:00 AM CET
Part 4: Su, 10.03.2024, from 7:00 PM CET
Part 5: Mo, 11.03.2024, from 5:00 PM CET
Part 6: Tu, 12.03.2024, from 5:00 PM CET
Part 7: We, 13.03.2024, from 5:00 PM CET
Part 8: Th, 14.03.2024, from 10:00 AM CET
Part 9: Th, 14.03.2024, from 3:00 PM CET
Part 10: Fr, 15.03.2024, from 5:00 PM CET
Part 11: Sa, 16.03.2024, from 10:00 AM CET
Part 12: Sa, 16.03.2024, from 1:30 PM CET
Part 13: Sa, 16.03.2024, from 6:00 PM CET
Part 14: Su, 17.03.2024, from 7:00 PM CET
The auction is closed.


Silesia, Duchy of Liegnitz-Brieg-Wohlau, Georg III, Ludwig IV and Christian, 3 Ducat Brieg 1657 EW - HYBRID, VERY RARE Very rare hybrid of the 'three brothers' ducat from Brieg, minted with an obverse stamp from 1656. Variety with the inscription FRATR: on the obverse and WOLA on the reverse, on the sides of the Eagle the initials E-W of Elias Weiss, wardejn of the Brieg mint in the years 1657-1662.
In the specialist catalog 'Coinage of three brothers 1651-1662', by Marcin Grandowski, a variety with a rarity level of R6, which means 16-22 pieces known to the author.
Hints of mint luster.
Gold, diameter 22 mm, weight 3.36 g
Bardzo rzadka hybryda dukata brzeskiego  'trzech braci'  wybita stemplem awersu z rocznika 1656. Odmiana z napisem FRATR: na awersie oraz WOLAV na rewersie, po bokach Orła inicjały E-W Eliasa Weissa, wardejna mennicy brzeskiej w latach 1657-1662. W specjalistycznym katalogu  'Wspólne mennictwo trzech braci 1651-1662', autorstwa Marcina Grandowskiego odmiana ze stopniem rzadkości R6, co oznacza 16-22 znanych autorowi sztuk. Zdrowa moneta, bez defektów. Fragmenty menniczego połysku oraz poprawny detal.  Reference: Grandowski 57.D.02.01 (R6), F.u.S. 1753, Friedberg 3199
Grade: VF+/XF-

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Price realized 2'850 EUR
Starting price 1'655 EUR
The auction is closed.
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