Silesia, Duchy of Liegnitz-Brieg-Wohlau, Christian, 3 Kreuzer Brieg 1668 CB - RARE Rare variety with obverse legend CHRISTIANVS...SIL on the obverse, with inverted N in the reverse legend LIGИIC·BREGEИS·E·WOLA and with initials CB on sides of the Eagle on the reverse of Christoph Brettschneider, the mintmaster of Brieg mint in 1665-1675. Plenty of mint bloom. Rzadsza odmiana z legendą awersu CHRISTIANVS...SIL, z odwróconymi literami N w legendzie rewersu LIGИIC·BREGEИS·E·WOLAV oraz inicjałami CB z boków Orła na rewersie, Christopha Brettschneidera, mincmistrza mennicy w Brzegu w latach 1665-1675. Połyskowy egzemplarz. Reference: Ejzenhart-Miller 213 (R1), F.u.S. 1928
Grade: XF+ Silesia Schlesien Brieg
Price realized | 48 EUR |
Starting price | 48 EUR |