★ A very interesting seal of Conon Papasizos ★
Byzantine lead seal of Conon Papasizos officer
(7th cent.)
Obverse: Eagle with open raised wings to right, cruciform invocative monogram over its head, ΘΕΟΤΟΚΕ ΒΟΗΘEI = Θεοτόκε, βοήθει (Mother of God, help), wreath border.
Reverse: Inscription in 5 lines, +ΚΩ/ΝΟΝΟC/ΤΟΥΠΑ/ΠΑCΙΖ/[ΟΥ] = Κόνωνος τοῦ Παπασίζ(ου) (Konon Papasizos), wreath border.
A very interesting seal as referring in this early period the patronyme (or surname) of the owner.
Condition: Very Fine
Weight: 14.0 gr
Diameter: 25 mm